Contegra Infosys

Editing and content development

Content Development and Editing

We write content for Children books from Pre KG to K12 for all subjects. We have dedicated team of content writers specialized in handling lesson plans and Curriculum in Science , Maths, English , Hindi and computer science subjects. They follow the content plan and do sufficient research to prepare lessons for various grades for Children.

Copy Editing

In copy editing we review and correct subject/verb agreement. We check numbers, tables, figures sequencing and the match in the list,  fix inconsistencies in capitalization, parallelism, number styles and abbreviations. Check all grammar and punctuation throughout the file. Change standard misuses: which/that; since/because; while/although or whereas etc. Ensure that all references follow correct style format and query for any missing elements. Eliminate sexist language and explain nonstandard acronyms and abbreviations at first mention.

Language Editing

 We provide Language editing services in STEM Journals and Books. We check the content primarily  for following  parameters

  1. Stylistic errors
  2. Wordiness
  3. Redundancy
  4. Illogical flow
  5. Punctuation errors
  6. Tone and Grammatical errors
  7. Technical errors

Alt Text

We provide Alternative text for Accessibility books. We have seasoned staff to comprehend and create a precise alternate text from figures in book.


We provide Indexing services for Books and magazines in all subjects. We can generate subject and author Index from final PDF of the books.